Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Consutants Nightmare- Telling the Truth

Consulting restaurant owners is tricky. Not being to overbearing or just letting them do as they please and then you walk away. 

Collin's dictionary definition:   consult‌ (kənˈsʌlt) vb‌

‌1. ‌ (when: ‌intr, often foll by with‌) to ask advice from (someone); confer with (someone)
‌2. ‌ (‌tr‌) to refer to for information: ‌to consult a map‌.
‌3. ‌ (‌tr‌) to have regard for (a person's feelings, interests, etc) in making decisions or plans; consider
‌4. ‌ (‌intr‌) to make oneself available to give professional advice, esp at scheduled times and for a fee
[C17: from French ‌consulter,‌ from Latin ‌consultāre‌ to reflect, take counsel, from ‌consulere‌ to consult]
‌conˈsultable‌ ‌adj‌ ‌conˈsulter‌ ‌conˈsultor‌ ‌n‌
‌Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged © Harper Collins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003

Consulting for me; there are times that you really believe that a decision that is being made is not wise or attainable. You must rely on the expertise of the consultant that you have hired to guide you and rationalize the appropriate conclusion to the issue at hand. I have assisted many business owners that truly believe in my abilities and have produced significant results. Whether it's creating a new concept, reorganizing their business plan, increasing their sales and customer satisfaction and advising them as to how to navigate the waters of operating a successful restaurant.

I will no longer take on clients that feel that they know it all, their arrogance is beyond reproach, or clients that are not willing to follow a plan from either an architectural  or business level these people are so about their own egos and will always lead to a road that is not traveled too often.

The zeal and the passion that Restaurant Revival  gives allows owners to go forward with a reassurance that they are on a path towards success and not failure. Consulting is tricky but one that will bring satisfaction to a job well done and knowing that the clients is better off than before now than previously.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Journey Contiues, Brick Oven Pizza

As life moves on, I find myself always teaching and learning. When you are asked for advice in a subject matter that you are quit familiar in and it's decided that they know better than you, frustration arises and you have to do you very best at the task at hand and not so much at anything else. 
The pizza business is been a life-long passion for me and as some of you reading this a very successful one for me. Now a new client in the MB, SC area has requested that I consult for him on a brick oven pizza concept. This has been a decision that I have made to assist in on this project, has been based on the ability to produce the best product with the best equipment available. The entrepreneur and I have come to a meeting of minds.of sorts. It's most frustrating waiting on decisions to be made and minds to be made up for someone like myself that always made the decisions that needed to be made in a timely fashion without reservation.  
I find it extremely difficult to do physically what was possible when time was on my side. I do have the intellect to recall all of the knowledge that has been learned in life and be able to apply it to the task at hand and now willing to pass it on. 
This project has been challenging knowing my limitations and at the same time working with someone that has the capabilities of working within my parameters.

Hot Tomato Brick Oven Pizza & Italian Restaurant

Time marches on as a new project becomes completed what will come next?