Every business has a core group of satisfied customers, but attrition makes us victims of keeping new customers coming in while other customers fade away. How to do this is the challenge that every business faces.
One way is to always be active in reaching new customers in all segments of advertising. I use the word advertising because whether we use Social Media or traditional ways, we need to constantly rebuild and keep a strong customer base.
On a recent visit to a newly opened restaurant at 12 noon, no one was in there, empty, no phones were ringing, no customers visiting and no traffic whatsoever. Asking the owner why this is occurring he simply said that "I don't know!" I asked him was he ever busy from the time he opened 5 months ago and he said, "Yes when we ran specials we were very busy." So are you running any specials or deals that may keep those customers coming back and new ones coming in? "No, we really don't want to attract that customer base that only comes in for specials and we don't make enough money with them." REALLY?! Well what are you doing now to gain customers now? "Nothing, this area this time of the year is dead and the other ones that were coming in only came in for the specials only." So now he sits there not bringing any customers, not turning over product and is heading down the path of failure. I asked him who is your strongest competition in the area, he mentioned a 2 places approximately a few blocks away. I asked is that all, he said, "I think so." Obviously he didn't do his homework before he opened and still hasn't. I drove around the area and discovered 5 other restaurants within a mile radius. Know your competition, visit them and see what they are doing, thoes that you like and why are they doing business and not you. Enough said about that!
I suggested that he has to be very aggressive in his marketing approach. Do you have a website? "Well yes of course, a simple one but we do have one." By the way when I came back to my office, I went to his website and none of the buttons worked at all. Are you using any Social Media? "I have been thinking about it." REALLY?! Do you have a reward program? Do you have a texting program? His answer to this was, "No, do you think I need one?" Of course silly goose, no one is coming in whether they were in at one time or not. A previous customer came in, (he was doing work for them), while I was there, the owner asked him "how was everything that you had when you were in last time", he said good, the owner said "why haven't you come back", the gentleman simply replied, I been busy. I asked the owner if he used the best ingredients possible and the freshest produce and meats, he told he uses whatever he can get on sale.
As I left I wondered how he plans to gain his share of the marketplace.
Use every tool possible and and make certain that you know your competition.